
悉尼R. 罗伯茨,JD



Across the United States, 市政府, 地方警察领导人和社区团体正在加强对改善警务服务提供的核心问题的关注. 这些问题包括从日常操作的透明度到 社区治安. 这些措施的核心是建立警察社区谘询委员会的概念。. 令人印象深刻的是,当这些董事会被组织起来时,它们是多么有效, 领导, funded and sustained in the right way.

而不是简单地以自发和特别的方式“站起来”一个董事会, it is strongly recommended that political, 政策, 警察和社区领导人根据从其他人过去的经验中吸取的“教训”,认真地实施这些措施. 以下是建立和维持有效的CAB的最佳实践.

1. 建立合法性

Public support is critical to the CAB’s success. 随着 International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)概述了, “一个成功的咨询委员会向社区表明,它的警察部门正在努力倾听他们的意见,警察们关心找到最好的方式为他们服务. By asking for community input via advisory boards, 部门表现出对社区的透明度和承诺.”

  • 参与社区活动: The purpose of the board is to serve the community, 因此,社区应该成为建立董事会和创建其使命的一部分是有道理的, 愿景和目标.
  • Ensure representative membership: The board should reflect the community it serves, including people of different races, 宗教, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, abilities and socioeconomic statuses. In addition to community involvement, 行政协调会的成员也应包括警察局长和民选官员的参与和代表.
  • Secure buy-in from law enforcement执法领导人和利益相关者愿意倾听和理解CAB成员的观点是非常重要的. Along with participating in difficult conversations, they should be prepared to acknow领导ge harm and accept criticism, 在适当的地方.

2. Structure the Board with Care and Forethought

你的CAB的成功取决于它如何有效地培养诚实, open and transparent communication, provides meaningful advice in policing 政策 and practices, and facilitates non-enforcement-related engagements.

  • Establish a charter and bylaws: Specify the board’s mission, authority and objectives. Create clear roles and responsibilities. Be sure to define key elements, such as the scope of autonomy, meeting protocols and conflict resolution procedures.
  • Define key policies, practices and training requirements: Identify and outline policies related to use-of-force, officer-involved shootings (OIS), critical incident response and transparency, 有关歧视的数据, 投诉处理, 和停止, searches and arrests (seizures). 还应处理涉及使用可能引发隐私权的任何技术的问题, such as body-worn cameras, audio/visual recordings and license-plate recognition.
  • Ensure that board meeting agendas are developed fairly确保会议日程反映了警方和社区的意见.

3. Strengthen the board’s continuity and sustainability


  • Provide fiscal and administrative support当你还在创建董事会的过程中,考虑一下董事会的资金和员工支持需求. Don’t wait until you’ve finished.
  • 建立任期限制:决定董事会成员的任职时间,这样社区就可以确保各种不同的观点都能得到代表. IACP建议咨询潜在成员和执法领导,以确定每个成员的适当任期长度和任期数量.
  • Select members who are committed确保董事会成员恪尽职守,并做好积极参与的准备. This includes listening, 通过冲突进行沟通,尊重可能与自己不一致的意见.

4. 提高透明度


  • Publicize the board’s formation解释成立董事会的原因,包括其目的、目标和预期结果. Share its bylaws openly.
  • Establish a dedicated website and social media presence:利用数字平台和渠道加强董事会意识和沟通. 其他有效的宣传措施还包括在图书馆的社区公告板上张贴传单, coffee shops and community centers. In essence, do whatever it takes to raise awareness of the CAB.
  • Publicize CAB meetings, activities and actions: Once a place to communicate has been identified, and the board’s presence established, 让你的社区了解民委会的各种活动及其背后的原因. Publish meeting agendas and member bios. 分享谘询局正在进行的工作,以及谘询和检讨的结果. 社区拥有的信息越多,他们就越信任CAB.
  • Ensure all community members have access to the CAB: Because your community is diverse, 一定要根据需要量身定制你的信息,以尽可能地吸引最广泛的受众. 除了以不同的语言发布信息外,还提供音频剪辑的信息. And if you elect to have public meetings, 更改您的会议地点,以允许来自不同地区和具有不同访问需求的人参加. 总的来说,你的信息和信息分享要尽可能的包容.

在你的社区建立一个警察民事顾问委员会会有所帮助 bridge the gap between law enforcement and civilians. 它可以提高执法部门的支持率,甚至可能提高官员的工作满意度. 它可以恢复社区对警察的信任,在某些情况下,还可以恢复对民选官员的信任. 最重要的是, 它可以在很大程度上缓解冲突,并为居民的生活带来真正的改变.

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悉尼·R的大头照. 罗伯茨


悉尼R. 罗伯茨
A proven leader in police accountability, 悉尼就影响执法的公民和人权问题提供了见解和指导, including illegal search and seizure, denial of counsel and officer-involved shootings.